
mandag den 1. oktober 2012

NaHaiWriMo September 2012 Johannes Bjerg

NaHaiWriMo September 2012 Johannes Bjerg

# 1 true/harsh juxtapostion/disjunction: write a haiku in two distinct parts. 

shorter days
a red gladiolus leans
against the fence

# 2 “Active”/dynamics in the signs of fall/spring depending on which hemisphere you live in. Active/dynamic = try to get movement/action/something happening in the haiku and not just describe a situation/scenery of objects.

brisk wind
a kitten chases his first
fallen leaf

# 3 One-line haiku.

a dragonfly on my left shoulder evening sun

# 4: Fairytale. Write a fairytale haiku.

one feather ~
in the hen house

# 5 September 5: Celebration/disappointment of life.

outer space 
the moments I return
to myself

 # 6. A favorite song/tune or one that you seem to always remember. 

tea and oranges 
among garbage and flowers
her perfect body

Leonard Cohen – Suzanne

# 7 loneliness / solitude

at the edge of the ice
a polar bear

8: Dance. 

sparkling fire
I let go and surrender
to African drums

9. Drunk/high/intoxicated/sober

a fumbling key
I hug my teddy bear

oak leaves
blowing in the wind
another lie

acing she finds a way to neutralize disulfiram

# 10 ball ( haiga )

adrenaline rush
become one

# 11: Sensual.

 silk moon
drops of warm oil
on my skin

#12. Humdrum and enlightenment. 

bicycle wheels through morning rain om mani peme hung .....

#13 mythology

 one sip from the well of wisdom Odin’s eye

a peek into the future Frigg weaves a black cloud

 14. Urban. 

at close range. . . a pusher pisses of his territory

 15:. Water in every form and aspect.

zippers . . .
one liter on the wrong side
of the dry suit

 16. Vertical 5. Carlos' prompt earlier resulted in a great bunch of haiku. Let's do it again. 5 lines, one word each leaving out “a” “an” 


# 17 OOPS! / Haynaku

the air
in my stomach

# 18: Surreal

we lower our paddles
in silence

that smile
on his face

I was on a kayak trip in Norway with a large group that day.

Maybe that wasn’t exactly what you meant with the prompt Johannes, but when I dragged the word “surreal” through my head, this was the first thing that came up. It was, and still is very surreal to me, how this could happen I Norway 

September 19. Achooku, fluku, sniffku

a few words
on a paper tissue

#  20: Penguin(s

Wiener waltz
a penguin swing his partner
on the waxed floor

# 21. Recession / 6 words

for sale for sale for sale

closing the bitter taste of wormwood

Salvation Army’s office the long queue

poverty line
a Danish child  learns
a new word 

#  22. Flying things in 2 tounges

på en grå September dag
Amors pil

on a grey September day
Cupid’s arrow

# 23. Tea/coffee & the Universe.  In two tounges

nat navigation
et øje på pagajen og et
på Nordstjernen

night navigation
one eye on the paddle and one
on the North Star

 The other weekend I took a course in night navigation. It’s not very often I paddle in completely darkness, because of the bright nights we have here during summer. But that night was very dark and every time I dragged my paddle through the water the bioluminescence lighted up around it.  And the North Star just hanging there on the same spot like always, guiding sailors in all times.  That was really an amazing experience. I find it very difficult to fit it into a haiku  ;-)

24: Kids/children

bramble hunt
his little purple hand
in mine

# 25 news

the new trendy
hair color

# 26. “The Impossible True / for children

burning bridge I dream a seagull’s wing

moonrise ~
the tooth fairy has her first
cup of tea

# 27 one line haiku

last rain roses in pastel shades on her coffin 

28. Walking on the moon.
all this moon talk
behind his back i whisper

# 29. How do we treat Earth? 

leaden sky
a fisherman’s
empty net

# 30 juxtapostion
rock and roll
a foamy wave hits
my kayak