September 2013
# 1 baton: Michael Dylan Welch
baton of life
a candle in a bag
with her names
Tomorrow we run 24 hours for the cancer movement in my town.
# 2 folklore: Eider Green
Nordic folk dance the faint scent of mothballs
# 3 mosaic: Alee Imperial Albano
culture week the town square sways to her gospel song
It does take something to make a Danish crowd move, but she sure moved us in more than one way.
# 4 banana plant: Pat Geyer
whirlwind ~
could I lend some of your calm
banana plant
# 5 honor Gary Blankenship
her life -
the price she paid
for a kiss
# 6 birth: Kathabela Wilson
velvet night seven brown labrador puppies
# 7 blues : Scott Abeles
pentatonic scale ~
I tune my instrument
for a blues
# 8 chalk ( haiga ): Christina Nguyen
easterly storm
the sea around the cliff
turbid white
# 9 microscopic: Katrina Lehmann Blount
wind shift
a microscopic change
in his behavior
# 10 runaway: An Mayou
the last bed at the center
for battered women
# 11 crumbs ( haiga ) Chrissi Villa
piece of cake
the noble art of sharing
with a sparrow
# 12 local ( haiga ) Violette Rose-Jones
wheel of life ~
sunday morning pancakes
with bramble jam
# 13 scarecrow: Vinay Ravindranath
harvest moon
the scarecrow’s smile
slowly fading
# 14 collage (haiga) : Anitha Warma
decoupage the pile of magazines knee high
# 15 rice: Sanjuktaa Asopa
a short stop
on the long journey . . . . .
the rice in my bowl
16 key: Freddy Ben-Arroyo
storm clouds a new lock on her door
# 17 reason: Dawn Apanius
no reason
just because . . . .
red roses
# 18 hill: Anne Burgevin
blured lines behind the highest hill our first smoke
# 19 something lost: Pris Campbell
the sense
of time and place
September sky
evening star
the romantic film with
what’s his name
# 20 table: Haiku Andy
an ellipse
of smiling faces ~
lunch time
# 21 night sounds: Angie Werren
tenor sax
the last tune dissolves
into the night
# 22 flood (haiga): Gillena Cox
spring tide ~
the North Sea widens
the waterway
# 23 wild: Deborah Barbour Lundy
autumn rain
the mountain bike track
steeper and steeper
# 24 wrinkle: Susan Murata
anti wrinkle cream how dumb do they think I am
# 25 string: Stuart Zobel
pearls on a string
autumn sunrise over
the archipelago
# 26 rust (haiga) : Crooked Arrow
another grey hair I lean to weigh my words
# 27 tongue: Leslie A Rose
Bordeaux my taste buds working overtime
bed bath . . .
the labrador puppy’s
pink tongue
# 28 rabbit: Pat Hardin
evening chill
I knit one thread angora
into her sweater
# 29 finger/s: Christina-Monica Moldoveanu
beetroot salad again I forget the rubber gloves
# 30 boomerang / return: Pamela Cooper
anchored again the yacht named Karma